CROESO i Gymdeithas Gymraeg Chelmsford a'r cylch

WELCOME to the Chelmsford & District Welsh Society

If you would like to contact our Welsh Society, please use our new e-mail:

Os hoffech gysylltu a'n Cymdeithas Gymraeg, defnyddiwch ein e-bost newydd:

Next Meeting/Cyfarfod Nesaf

'An Evening with Song Cycle'/

'Noson efo Song Cycle'

October 23/Hydref 23 2024

Coming up soon!/Yn dod yn fuan!

Croeso Nol/Welcome Back

Forty attended the first meeting of our 2024-2025 programme, including some new members. President Ivy Price outlined the programme for the next 10 months/

Mynychodd 40 ein cyfarfod cyntaf o'n rhaglen am 2024-2025, gan gynnwys rhai aelodau newydd. Allinellodd y Llywydd Ivy Price y rhaglen am y 10 mis nesaf.

Detailed notes of the meeting can be found on our 'Meeting Reports' section/Mae'r nodiadau am y cyfarfod i'w gweld ar ein hadran 'Meeting Reports'.

Programme Dates 2024/2025

Rhaglen 2024/2025



September/Medi 25 '24        'Croeso Nol'



October/Medi 19 '24           Coffee Morning

                                            with Angela and

                                              Harry Glaser


October/Hydref 23 '24          An evening                                                     with Song Cycle


November/Tachwedd 27 '24      Film Night



December/Rhagfyr 19 '24          Christmas                                                     Traditions with                                                     Debra John


January/Ionawr 22 '25           Noson Lawen



February/Chwefror 19 '25     Our Treasures



February/Chwefror 28 '25    St. David's Day

                                                 Dinner (7pm)


March/Mawrth 2 '25             St. David's Day


                                         Little Baddow URC

                                                      3 pm


March/Mawrth 26 '25      From Wales to the 



April/Ebrill 23 '25            A Musical Evening

                                             with harpist

                                              Gwen Mairi


May/Mai 17 '25                Annual Concert with

                                         Cor Godre'r Aran


May/Mai 28 '25               An evening with                                                    Elan Dafydd


June/Mehefin 25 '25       AGM & Quiz Night



Welsh Trip June 2024

Taith i Gymru Mis Mehefin 2024

Photos from this June's trip to Wales can be found on the tab 'Welsh Trip 2024' on the left hand side of the Homepage.

Gellir dod o hyd i luniau o'r daith mis Mehefin eleni i Gymru os cliciwch ar y tab 'Welsh Trip 2024' ar ochr chwith y dudalen hon.





Radley Green Farm/Fferm Radley Green


Members enjoyed a glorious summer picnic at Radley Farm on Saturday, June 29, 2024/Mwynhaodd aelodau bicnic haf hyfryd yn Radley Farm dydd Sadwrn, Mehefin 29, 2024.





Enjoying the sun!/Mwynhau'r haul!







Members were entertained by the 'Thirsty Strummers' - our favourite ukulele Band!/Diddanwyd yr aelodau gan y 'Thirsty Strummers' - ein hoff band iwcalili! 





Photos from our meeting, which took place on Wednesday June 26,2024. Lluniau o'n cyfarfod a ganhaliwyd ar ddydd Mercher, Mehefin 26, 2024.

Detailed notes for this meeting, written by Jim Armishaw, can be found in our 'Meeting Reports' tab. Mae'r nodiadau am y cyfarfod, a ysgrifennwyd gan Jim Armishaw, i'w gweld ar ein hadran 'Meeting Reports. 



Meinir Wyn Davies -

Outgoing President/Llywydd Ymadawol


Carys Williams Treasurer/Trysorydd

Sadly, Brian Farmer (see above) will  be leaving us as he is re-locating to Carmarthem. Meinir thanked him for all his hard work as a committee member./Yn anffodus, bydd Brian Farmer yn ein gadael wrth iddo symud i Gaerfyrddin. Diolchodd Meinir iddo am ei waith caled fel aelod o'r pwyllgor.

President Elect Ivy Price with her new Vice President Sina Williams/Llywydd Etholedig Ivy Price a'i Is Lywydd newydd, Sina Williams

Outgoing President Meinir Wyn Davies and President Elect Ivy Price/Llywydd Ymadawol Meinir Wyn Davies a Llywydd Etholedig Ivy Price.

Jim Taylor organised an excellent quiz to finish the evening/Trefnodd Jim Taylor gwis adderchog i orffen y noson

President Meinir Wyn Davies presents a cheque for £750 to her nominated charity - the David Randall Foundation/Llywydd Meinir Wyn Davies yn cyflwyno siec o £750 i'w helusen - 'The David Randall Foundation'.

May 15 2024: An Evening with 3 Young Performers/Noson yng Nghwmni 3 Perfformiwr Ifanc


Members experienced a glorious evening's entertainment when Debs Allen-Morgan introduced 3 students from her Vocal Academy. They were accompanied on the piano by our President, Meinir Wyn Davies. The music performed was wide ranging and came from pop, classical and contemporary genres including music from the shows. At the end of the evening each student was awarded a prize by our society for their hard work and effort.

During the evening there was a surprise opportunity for members to catch up and meet two of our past members, Maureen and Keith Byatt (for a detailed report on the evening, written by Jim Armishaw, see the 'Meeting Reports' tab.

Debs Allen-Morgan and her three students from The Vocal Academy with our President Meinir Wyn Davies. 

Arya Sudheer - Singer

Tomas Davis - Pianist                           Bethany Shordon - Soprano

Sina drawing the raffle!                 Maureen and Keith Byatt


A coach load of our members attended the Welsh Association of Male Choirs Concert at the Royal Albert Hall on April 27th 2024.

Some images appear below. More can be found in the Gallery - see the tab on the left hand side of the Homepage.

Thanks to Debs Allen-Morgan for the photos.


An Evenining with Kevin John - Guildford Opera Company/

Noson efo Kevin John -

Cwmni Opera Guidford

April 24/Ebrill 24 2024


Kevin John, from the Guildford Opera Company, entertained us with a variety of songs and arias from classic composers such as Beethoven and Handel. He also included 2 Welsh favourites - 'Elen Fwyn' and 'Bugail Aberdyfi'. 

During the second half he sang a selection of Neapolitan songs, including 'O Sole Mio'. A superb performance, with our President, Meinir Wyn Davies providing excellent accompaniment. Photos from the evening appear below.

Jim Armishaw has written some notes about the meeting on our Meeting Reports tab.

Coffee Morning at Sina's/Bore Coffi yn Sina's

Members experienced a fun-filled morning at Sina Williams' residence on Thursday, April 18th 2024. We all enjoyed the refreshments and Sina's beautiful garden. Images from the event appear below. Thanks to Debs Allen-Morgan for the photos.

William Morris

The Romantic Revolutionary


In our meeting on the 27th of March 2024, Sir Deian Rhys Hopkin gave a fascinating presentation on the work of William Morris, the textile designer, poet, artist and writer associated with the 'Arts and Crafts' movement.

Images from the evening appear below. Thanks to Debs Allen-Morgan for the photos. Detailed notes on the meeting can be found on our Meeting Reports Tab - thanks to Jim Armishaw for writing the report.


More photos from the evening can be found if you click the tab on the left hand side of the Homepage - Images from talk on William Moris March 2024.

Photographs from our recent

St. David's Day Dinner can be found on the tab at the bottom of the left hand side column of the Home Page.

Many thanks to Peter Smith for taking the images.

St. David's Day Service

Our annual St. David's Day Service took place at Little Baddow Chapel on Sunday 3rd March. Dr. Jonathan Pritchard led the proceedings, with inputs from our President, Meinir Wyn Davies, Vice-Prsident Ivy Price and Carys Williams. Debs Allen-Morgan sang beautifully, accompanied by Ivy Price on the organ. Kay Bright and her team provided refreshments at the end of the service. 

All agreed that the service was a fitting tribute to our patron saint. Many thanks to Gwenno Pope for the photographs.

Detailed notes about the service can be found in the Meeting Report section at the top of this page - many thanks to Jim Armishaw for this.

Cinio Dydd Gwyl Dewi.


Our annual St. David's Day Dinner took place on Friday, March 1st at the County Hotel in Chelmsford.

56 attendees enjoyed a marvellous night of entertainment and good food. President Meinir Wyn Davies' choice of guest speaker was the Welsh actress and singer Sue Jones Davies, who has appeared in both musicals (Jesus Christ Superstar), films (Monty Python's Life of Brian) and TV series (The Life and Times of David Lloyd George). She gave a delightful insight into her career, which was enjoyed by all who were there.

Rachel Bartels, on the harp, together with Debs Allen-Morgan, provided a hugely entertaining session of traditional Welsh songs to end the evening.

Many thanks to all of the committee members who worked so hard to prepare for the evening.

                Diolch yn fawr!

Detailed notes about this event can be found in the Meeting Report section at the top of the page - many thanks to Jim Armishaw for this.


Images from the evening appear 




Bryan, Byer and the Barn

Our own Kay Bright, together with Dudley Mourne and Liz Hartley gave us a fascinating insight into the life of Bryan Saunders (1893-1973),

a skilled carpenter who was based in Coggershall. They also told us about the history of Grange Barn, a 13th cenntury monastic barn and how it was restored in the 1980's.


Images from the presentation are shown below:


Grange Barn, a National Trust property, will reopen on Sunday 31 March  and then every Sunday 11.00 - 16.00.


'Noson Lawen'

January 24/Ionawr 24 2024

A large audience of 45 members enjoyed a lively evening's entertainment at our annual  'Noson Lawen'.'Diolch yn fawr' to all who took part.

Photos from last night appear below:


Our Evening Entertainers

Left to Right above:     Kim Brown, Arthur Williams and John Topliss

Left to Right above:    Hilary Camp, David Pitchford and John Taylor

  Left to Right above:Luke Collison, Jamie Hacker Hughes and Debs Allen-Morgan

The Black Sheep


'Dathlu'r Nadolig'

(Christmas Celebrations)

A large number of our members (47 in all) attended our annual Christmas Celebration ('Dathlu'r Nadolig') on the 13th of December, 2023. We were entertained by twenty members of the Chelmsford Male Voice Choir, who sang a variety of seasonal offerings and songs with a Welsh connection. During the second half of the evening, the audience enthusiastically joined the choir, creating a magical Christmas atmosphere.




Members signed the giant Christmas Card below, wishing one another seasonal greetings

Images from the Christmas Tea Party hosted by Liz and Jim Armishaw, which was held on Sunday, 10th December 2023

Images from our meeting held on 15th November featuring the 'Thirsty Strummers'



43 of our members enjoyed a lively musical evening with the 'Thirsty Strummers' - a local ukulele band.

They performed a variety of songs from different eras and were accompanied by our own 'Black Sheep' choir. There was plenty of audience participation as we sang along to songs from our past!

October 25th 2023

'Hedd Wyn'- the movie


Our members enjoyed a showing of the classic Welsh language film, 'Hedd Wyn', produced in 1992.

Hedd Wyn, born Ellis Humphrey Evans, won his first Eisteddfod chair at the age of 19 in 1907. His bardic name was Hedd Wyn. Six years after that he reluctantly enlisted in the British Army, dying at the battle of Passchendaele in 1917. He was posthumously awarded the Chair at the National Eisteddfod of Wales held in Birkenhead later that year- 'Y Gadair Ddu' (The Black Chair).

The film has won many awards and was the first Welsh film to be nominated for Best Foreign Language Film in 1993 at the US Academy Awards.


Members watching the movie.

Cymanfa Ganu/Songs of Praise


On Sunday 22nd the annual Cymanfa Ganu was held at St Michael and All Angels Church, Roxwell, with the church members, organised by Shirley Moody. The service was led by Revd. Dr Jonathan Pritchard. Taking part were Debs Allen-Morgan, who sang a soprano solo, Be Still, and the Black Sheep Choir sang two numbers, We’ll Keep a Welcome in the Hillside and Calon Lan. The First Lesson was read in Welsh by Arthur Williams, and Brian Farmer read the Second Lesson in English. Refreshments were shared at the conclusion.


'Croeso yn ol'

Wednesday Sept. 27th 2023


Our new President, Meinir Wyn Davies welcomed 45 members to the inaugural meeting of our 2023-2024 season. She introduced the programme of events for the next 9 months and informed us of her chosen charity - the 'David Randall Foundation'. The foundation provides 'Good Days' for people in Essex with terminal and life limiting illnesses as well as Scholarships and Inspirational Awards to help dedicated young musicians and sports people achieve their goals. The Patron of the Foundation is Sir Asastair Cook, the former Essex and England cricketer.

Laura Caldow and her son Jack gave us an entertaining introduction and background to the foundation. We followed with a break for wine and a variety of Welsh cheeses (which we all ate very 'Caerphilly'!) before concluding the evening by practising our hymn singing for our Songs of Praise, which will take place on Sunday, October 22nd at St. Michael's Church, Roxwell (3 pm start).




.Image above - Meinir with Sir Alastair Cook

Image opposite - Laura Caldow and her son Jack introducing our chosen charity - The David Randall Foundation.

Some key dates for the rest of the year

* October 22nd at 3pm                         Songs of Praise, at St Michael’s       Church, Roxwell

* October 25th at 7.30pm                   Film night - 'Hedd Wyn' at the         Chapter House, Chelmsford

* November 15th at 7.30pm                 Ukulele Band at the Chapter         

   House, Chelmsford

* November 17th at 10.30am               Coffee morning at Radley Green       Farm

* December 10th at 2.30 pm       

   Christmas Tea hosted by Liz and 

   Jim Armishaw

* December 13th at 7.30 pm

   Christmas Celebrations at the 

   Chapter House


Welsh Trip to Llandrindod Wells May 2023


Over 200 images from the society's recent visit to Llandrindod Wells and Mid-Wales can be found on the Homepage. Many thanks to Peter Smith who took the photographs. See bottom tab on the left hand side of the page.

Images from our AGM held on Wednesday June 28th 2023

The outgoing President, Sue Almond, presents a cheque of £750 to Joelle Mortimer, representing our nominated charity 'BabyBasics'

Sue Almond with our new President for 2023-2024 Meinir Wyn Davies.








Our Treasurer Carys Williams presents her report

John Toplis gave us a detailed presentaion titled 'Can Alzheimers be slowed or even reversed - a Carer's View'.

Gwil Williams gave a brief introduction to his involvement with the Billericay's Men's Shed and their work with dementia sufferers

Images from our Summer Picnic held on Saturday, June 24th, 2023 at Radley Green Farm.

Images and Report from our concert featuring Cor Godre'r Aran from Saturday June 10th 2023.


The choir performing at the 52nd Annual Concert of Chelmsford and District Welsh Society, at Chelmsford Cathedral on 10 June was Cor Godre’r Aran, a Welsh Male Voice Choir of the highest quality. It was to be Arthur Williams’s, last concert before his retirement, after 18 years as our Concert Manager, and what a wonderful concert it was….. for me, the best concert I have ever enjoyed, anywhere! The choir and audience were welcomed by Meinir Wyn Davies the Vice-President, standing in for our President, Sue Almond who was unable to attend due to the illness of her husband, Dave. The choir opened with a powerful, patriotic Gwyr Harlech, (Men of Harlech), (arranged by their Musical Director Eirian Owen), followed with Schubert’s Heilich, Heilich, Heilich, continued with John Denver’s The Flower That Shattered The Stone (arranged by Eirian), then Dwyfol Un (The Divine One).

Sion Goronwy, was the first soloist to perform. Sion is a professional operatic bass with a commanding presence, who sings with the choir when his professional engagements allow. First, he sang a powerful Banquo’s aria from Verdi’s Macbeth, then followed with Benjamin Brittain’s amusing Foggy, Foggy Dew. The choir’s next song was Eirian’s arrangement of Byd O Heddwch, (World In Union)….. in preparation for Welsh success at the next Rugby World Cup, perhaps? They followed with the beautiful, moving Tell My Father, where a young soldier in the American Civil War lies dying on the battlefield. Then a wonderful, exciting, both powerful and soothing, dramatic The Creation by Willy Richter, to prolonged applause from a delighted audience.

The second soloist to sing was a tenor, Stephan Prys Roberts, who sang two songs from the shows, Bring Him Home from Les Miserables and I’ll Walk With God from The Student Prince. The choir’s last three songs in the first half were: The Rose by Amanda McBroom (a display of wonderful breath control!); Heddwch Ar Y Ddaear Lawr, (Peace On The Earth Below), with four soloist!...Ellis Jones, Iwan Tudur Jones, Robert Price and Sion Eilir Roberts; and finally Eric Jones’s Salm23.

After the interval the choir and audience sang Cwm Rhondda. This was followed by a Civic Welcome to the Choir and Supporting Soloists by a delighted Councillor Linda Mascot, the Mayor of Chelmsford. The choir began the second half with Thompson’s Homeward Bound, with the soloist Trebor Lloyd Evans and continued with Eirian’s arrangement of Gira Con Me. Their third piece was again a dramatic performance, this time of Verdi’s Eviva! Beviam!  Sion Goronwy then sang Ar Hyd Y Nos (All Through The Night), and Mussorgy’s dramatic and amusing The Song Of The Flea. A duet by two talented young men, (one a winner of the UK’s most promising auctioneer competition, the other World Champion clay pigeon shooter at the South African competition!!!), Elis Jones and Sion Eilir Roberts, followed. Their rendition of The Pearl Fishers was also a winner. Finally, the choir sang the last three songs of the evening: Bryn Myrddin, Nos Da (Good Night), and Razzamatazz, and immediately at the end the audience rose spontaneously, as one, to deliver a thunderous, longstanding applause to the choir and soloists for a wonderful concert. Where else would such a superb choir be supported by no less than seven excellent soloists?! and where else would the Musical Director conduct and simultaneously play the piano, and be rewarded by such disciplined and wonderful singing from a choir at a concert?!  

Meinir, the Vice-President, thanked and congratulated the choir for such a wonderful concert, and made presentations to the soloists. Finally, the choir and audience sang Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau with pride.


Jim Armishaw.

Trip to Wales June 2023

A few images from the trip to Llandrindod Wells are shown below.

Over 200 other photographs can be found - see Welsh Trip to Llandrindod Wells May 2023. 


Searching for Family

May 17th 2023 


Sue Almond and Liz Armishaw gave us a fascinating insight into their family trees at our May meeting, giving us some excellent tips as to how to trace past relatives and family. Many thanks to both of them for giving us such an entertaining presentation. A detailed account of this evening can be found under the tab 'Meeting Notes'.

          Liz Armishaw                                          Sue Almond 

April 26th Meeting 2023


Around 40 of our members attended our April meeting. During the first half Gwil Williams showed a selection of videos of various Welsh artists, including Cor Godre'r Aran, who feature in our June concert at Chelmsford Cathedral.

For the second half of the evening, we split into small teams and competed in an excellent quiz that had been planned by Sina Williams (see below).


Images from our recent St. David's Day Dinner March 2023


Photographs from our St. David's Day Dinner can now be found on this website. Just click on the tab on the left hand side of this homepage labelled 'St. David's Day Dinner 2023'. Many thanks to Peter Smith for taking the photographs.   


On 3rd of March the Society honoured its Patron Saint, Dewi Sant (St David) with a Grand Dinner of remembrance and thanksgiving at the County Hotel, Chelmsford, for the fifty eighth time at the hotel. The room was beautifully decorated, with the regal Ddraig Goch, the Welsh National Banner, adorning the wall immediately behind the top table, and with yellow and green napkins and an impressive leek as a centre piece on all the round tables. The M.C. was Society member Brian Farmer. Music was provided by good friends of the Society, the harpist Rachel Bartels and her husband flautist Ken. The rousing patriotic Welsh processional march, Men of Harlech, announced the entry of The Mayor of Chelmsford Cllr. Sue Dobson and her husband Keith, escorted by the President of the Society Sue Almond and her husband Dave, and the Guest Speaker Ben Lake MP and his fiancé escorted by the Vice-President Meinir Wyn Davies and her partner Ken. After the grace had been said a fine meal was enjoyed.


Bwydlen (Menu):

Traditional Cawl Cennin a Thatws ( Leek and Potato Soup);

Sirlwyn Rhost o Gig Eidon a Phwdin Yorkshire gyda Sudd Padell, Tatws a Llysiau (Roast Sirloin of Beef and Yorkshire Pudding with Pan Juices, Potatoes and Vegetables),

NEU (OR)…Caneloni Tatws Melyn, Chard Chudden a Caws Gafr (Cannelloni of Sweet Potatoes, Ruby Chard and Goat’s Cheese);

Panna-Cotta Fanila efo Pin Afal (Vanilla Panna Cotta with Pineapple Carpaccio);

Coffi, Te, Petit fours.


Following the meal, the toast were proposed: In proposing the toast to The King, the President, Sue Almond recalled her time at Aberystwyth University when the women had to be in their dormitory by 10 pm! (today’s students might exchange their current time at university for the free education and cheap accommodation of those happy days!)

The toast to Dewi Sant was proposed by Meinir, the Vice-president. The President then introduced the guest of Honour, Ben Lake , Plaid Cymru MP for Ceredigion since 2017 when, at 24 years of age, he was the youngest MP in Wales. He studied History and Politics at Trinity College Oxford, and went on to study for his Masters in Modern British and European History (a sea change has occurred In the UK since those heady day!………….my words, not Ben’s. He steered clear in his speech of any party political content).

As a member of a very small party in the UK parliament, his brief included: the Environment, Rural Affairs,  Education, Skills, Health, Communities, Local Government, Culture, Media, Sports and Constitutional Affairs. In addition he was the Chair of the All-Party Group on the Western Sahara, and Vice-Chair of the All- Party Group on Choice at the End of Life !!!!!!! His speech included a description of his first day at parliament, when he joined the tourist queue, and the Welsh doorkeeper who helped him. He mentioned the friendly environment, behind closed doors outside the chamber, where members mix harmoniously. This was an excellent speech, informative and humorous, amongst the best enjoyed at an Annual Dinner. At the conclusion he proposed a toast to The Society. The response was by the President. She congratulated Liz Armishaw and Kay Bright who had worked so hard to prepare the room and make all the impeccable arrangements for the Dinner, Shirley Moody for providing the table centrepieces and floral arrangements and Rachel and Ken for the super musical entertainment. She proposed the toast to Our Guests. In her Response, The Mayor thanked the Society for the invitation, and said how important it was to keep the language alive. She congratulated it for its charitable dimension.

There followed the fun of picking the raffle winners, performed by the Mayor; then the sing song with Rachel and Ken, with an opportunity to both sing and to listen. A particular favourite of mine was Ken’s My Hat It Has Three Corners, which gets faster and faster with each iteration, and left him, AND US, quite exhausted! We thank the Management and staff of the County Hotel for always looking after us so well.


What a wonderful evening! Someone, during the course reminded us of the old saying:

“Gorau Cymro, Cymro Oddi Cartref”…….The Best Welshman is a Welshman Away from Home. (this is also true of Welsh women) Certainly we probably enjoy more Welsh activities than we might otherwise do. The Society is  particularly warm and welcoming……just like a close knit family.


Jim Armishaw.


'An Evening with Debra John'

March 22, 2023


Debra John, one of our most popular guests, entertained and enthralled us with two monologues. The first monologue was based on the effects of the bombing on Swansea in 1941. In the second period, she painted a vivid picture from the age of the shipping that used to sail between Swansea and Chile, exporting Welsh coal and importing copper.


For a detailed report on the evening, see the 'Meeting Report' tab at the top of the Home Page.

St. David's Day Dinner March 3rd 2023

From left to right:

Mayor's Consort Keith Dobson,

Chelmsford's Mayor Cllr. Sue Dobson,

Guest Speaker Ben Lake MP,

President Sue Almond,

Ben Lake's fiance Elin James Jones.


Images from our recent St. David's Day Dinner held at the County Hotel, Chelmsford.


Baby Basics Update

Sue was delighted to take a further bundle of donations (our fourth) to Baby Basics this week (see above).

It included some lovely baby clothes and a beautiful blanket. 

Thank you all for your support of this worthwhile local charity. It is much appreciated.


'A Cruise to Caernarfon'

Wednesday February 22nd 2023


Arthur and Carys Williams gave us an entertaining and informative talk about their 5 month sea journey from their home port of Bradwell, along the south coast of England, to the east coast of Ireland, before crossing the Irish Sea back to Caernarfon. Images from the presentation appear below.

 'Noson Lawen'

Wednesday January 25th 2023

42 members attended our annual 'Noson Lawen' and enjoyed a marvellous evening of entertainment. Many thanks to all who took part as well as to Meinir Wyn Davies who provided the accompaniment and to Sue Almond who organised the event.



Images from the evening are found below:





Top left: Jamie Hacker Hughes

Top right: Jim Armishaw

Opposite: The Black Sheep

Below: David Pitchford






Above: The Ladies Choir

Opposite: Meinir Wyn Davies

Below: Dianne Moul


Above left: Arthur Williams

Above right: Derrick Thomas


'Dathlu'r Nadolig' December 14th 2022

Just under 30 brave souls braved the wintry conditions to celebrate Christmas at the above meeting. President Sue Almond welcomed us to the Chapter House and introduced John Taylor, who had arranged the music for the evening. The 'Black Sheep'choir sang a number of seasonal carols and were joined by our newly formed Women's Choir. Our Vice President, Meinir Wyn Davies, expertly accompanied the choir. Individual contributions came from Arthur Williams, Kay Bright and Peter Freeman.

Many thanks to John for all his hard work, to Meinir who worked with the Women's Choir, to Kay and colleagues who helped with the refreshments and to Sina for arranging the raffle.

Jim Armishaw has written a detailed account of the evening - see

Meeting Reports tab.

John Taylor - above image.

The 'Black Sheep' top right.

Women's Choir - opposite

Arthur Williams - below

Kay Bright - opposite Arthur

Peter Freeman - below

Sue and Meinir - bottom right, read out our Christmas Greetings






Copy of the Christmas Card signed by members.

Christmas Tea Party Sunday December 11th 2022



'Many, many thanks to Liz and Jim for hosting the Society’s Christmas Tea. The room was beautifully decorated, the table laden with lovely, attractive delights to eat, plenty of tea and coffee and lots of good will and friendship all round. The raffle was arranged and delivered by Sina, (many thanks, Sina,) and assisted by Dave. The afternoon ended with carol singing including King Wenceslas with the Three King solos, skilful piano playing from Anna and not forgetting Derrick’s monologue. Thanks, Ivy, for leading us so well and to all those who helped in so many ways.'


Sue Almond President

To see more photos of the Christmas Tea Party click on the tab 'Images from the Christmas Tea Dec 11 2022' on the left hand side of the page.



To see

 November 23rd 2022


Our members were treated to an outstanding evening's entertainment from 'Oneira', a musical duo consisting of Isabelle Harris (Flute) and Elliot Kempton (Viola). They met at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff and are now studying at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

The first half of their performance had a classical theme whilst the second half featured a selection of Welsh music. Their version of 'Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn', an 18th Century traditional Welsh love song was enchanting and their funky version of 'Sospan Fach' produced plenty of smiles!






Arthur Williams introduces

'Oneira' to the audience.


Isabelle Harris (flute) and Elliot Kempton (Viola)






Isabella Harris playing the flute.

For a full account on the above meeting, check Meinir's report found under the tab 'Meeting Reports'.

October 26th 2022



Gwenllian Llyr gave a masterful performance on the harp at our October meeting. The audience enjoyed a superb evening's entertainment with Gwenllian performing a varied programme of music ranging from traditional Welsh folk songs to modern jazz. 

She later took part in a Question and Answer session, giving our members some background to her career to date.

50 of our members attended the evening meeting





Vice President Meinir Wyn Davies thanks Gwenllian for performing at the Chapter House











Sina received great support from Anna Pope with the raffle. Anna also took some of the images shown.

'Croeso yn ol' - September 28th 2022

Over 40 members attended our first meeting of the 2022-2023 programme. The society's new President, Sue Almond welcomed guests and gave a background to the events that will take place over the next 9 months (see programme at the bottom of the Home Page).

Sue's nominated charity is 'Baby basics'.'They were founded in 2009 in Sheffield. They work with midwives, health visitors and other local organisations to provide baby starter packs for those in need. Their Chelmsford representative, Joelle Mortimer (see above) explained how the charity works with vulnerable groups such as teenage mums, families on low incomes and women fleeing domestic abuse and trafficking. The Moses baskets provided for the mothers (see above) contain nappies, wipes, maternity pads, as well as blankets, towels and baby clothes.

If any members would like to help the charity they can knit blankets, cardigans etc. for the new born babies. Sue will be happy to pass them on to 'Baby basics'.

(See tab on left hand side of Homepage to view the 'Baby basics' website.) 

As usual, Sina and Brian organised the raffle. Many thanks to all the members who donated prizes.

Members enjoyed a glass of wine or juice together with a varied selection of Welsh cheeses.

How did our refreshment team cut the cheeses? Caerphilly!

Car Parking

We have secured the use of the Cathedral car park in Waterloo Lane, Chelmsford. 

The car park has rising bollards at the entrance/exit and a code number will be required to allow you to exit. This will be given during the meeting.

Membership forms will be available for 2022-23 season at any meeting - just see Carys Williams, our Treasurer, at her table by the entrance to the Chapter House. 

The Welsh Society's Committee has organised the following provisional programme, starting on Wednesday, September 28th.



Programme for 2022-23





September 28th 2022

Croeso yn Ol

(Welcome Back)

October 26th 2022 Gwenllian Llyr - Harpist
November 23rd 2022 Oneira - Musical Duo
December 14th 2022 Dathlu'r Nadolig (Celebrating Christmas)
January 25th 2023 Noson Lawen
February 22nd 2023 Folk Dancing with Sandra Clayton
March 22nd 2023

An Evening with

Debra John

April 26th 2023 Ar eich Cais 
May 17th 2023

Searching for Family

with Sue and Liz

June 28th 2023 AGM and Quiz

A Message from our President, Sue Almond


As usual the Committee has prepared a varied programme this year, including music, folk dancing and story-telling as well as drawing on the many talents we have within our Society to present as full a celebration of Welsh Culture as we can in Essex in 2022-3. Thanks in advance to all those who are prepared to support us in this way. The year will be punctuated by the usual markers of Dathllu’r Nadolig, Nosen Lawen, St David’s Day Dinner, Songs of Praise, Annual Concert and end with the Summer Picnic.  Our Charity this year will be Baby Basics, who aim support all new parents who may, for various reasons be struggling to support a new baby. Joelle Mortimer will be at our first meeting to tell us more about the organisation. Hopefully our first meeting, the Croeso Yn Ol, will set the scene for many opportunities to catch up and chat over a nice cup of tea – paned a sgwrs.


An afternoon well spent


We travelled on the Elizabeth line to Liverpool Street and on to Oxford Circus. Along a very busy Oxford Street where the annual Pride March was taking place celebrating its half-century. The colours and costumes of the people marching along the street were just amazing, there was a wonderful joyous atmosphere.


We walked on to Eglwys Gymraeg Canol Llundain and were welcomed by Rob Nicholls from Penclawdd famous for the mudflat cockles. (Penclawdd not Rob)

Rob is the Minister, and each month of the year hosts a programme of events at the Eglwys Gymraeg Canol Llundain in East castle Street on Saturday afternoon.


The Chapel was buzzing full of excited young people chatting in Welsh. They were from Ysgol Y Strade in Llanelli. They had arrived on Friday and spent the afternoon at Thorpe Park. Their programme was varied and delivered with great enthusiasm and energy conducted by their music teacher Mr Christopher Davies and Catrin Huws was their accompanist. There were very talented young soloists who excelled with their solo performances and who were well supported by their peers.


Côr Llundain is a small mixed choir based in London with young strong voices sang songs by Eric Jones, Mansel Thomas and William Mathia. Their Conductor is Wyn Thomas.

Glenys Roberts the soprano sang Ynys Y plant, Bwythyn Bach Melyn fy Nhad and one of our favourite tenors Dafydd Wyn Jones sang Hiraeth and Bugail Aberdyfi.

Also in the programme was an extraordinary organist. David Geoffrey Thomas from Llannon with the wit of Derek Thomas had us all rolling in the aisles.


We both thoroughly enjoyed an array of wonderful music performed by such young talented people. We look forward to next year’s programme. There is a wealth of talent in Wales. We will keep you informed and hopefully some of you will join us on one of our Saturday afternoon jaunts.


Ivy and Sina


      Dafydd Wyn Jones with Sina

Dafydd Wyn Jones with Ivy

Charity Coffee Morning at Radley Green

April 6th 2022

For images of this event see the link on the left hand side of this page.

AGM plus Quiz June 22 2022

We held our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday night, June 22nd 2022. The outgoing President Gwil Williams thanked members for their continuing support over the last 10 months.

He also expressed his gratitude to the society's committee who have worked so hard during his term of office. 

Gwil handed over a cheque for £1,000 to the society's nominated charity for his year of office, St. Luke's Hospice. Kerry Chambers, representing St. Luke's, thanked the society for their generousity and updated our members on the work of the hospice.

He finally handed over the Presidency to Sue Almond and thanked her for her enthusiastic support and help. Meinir Wyn Davies will take on the role of Vice President. 

Carys Williams, the society's treasurer gave a summary of the accounts for the last 12 months.

Kay Bright then gave a commentary on photographs taken on the recent visit to the Wye Valley, which was followed by our annual quiz.

Images from the AGM can be seen below.


Gwil Williams hands over a cheque for £1,000 to Kerry Chambers from St. Luke's hospice

Gwil Williams hands over the Presidential chain to Sue Almond

Meinir Wyn Davies accepts the role of Vice President

Treasurer Carys Williams reads out her report

Summer PicnicSaturday June 25th 2022

Our annual summer picnic took place in Radley Green on Saturday, June 25th. Members enjoyed plenty of sunshine and convivial conversation. Many thanks to Shirley for letting us use the beautiful grounds of Radley Green and to Sue Almond and her helpers for providing tea and coffee.

Some images of the event are shown below.

Additions to the Website

If you check the tabs on the left hand side of this page, I have added the following:

* A link to the visit to the Wye Valley

* A photo gallery of the Wye Valley visit. There are over 400 

   images to look at! Click on 'Photos of Wye Valley Visit 2022' on

   the tab on the left hand side of the page 

* The society's monthly newsletters from September 2021.

* A detailed report of the Annual Concert


National Eisteddfod in Tregaron

Meinir Wyn Davies attended the National Eisteddfod at Tregaron this summer. She was interviewed by Tudur Owen on S4C, who was intrigued and fascinated by her Vice President's badge. During their conversation Tudur informed viewers he was well aware of our society, having performed for us and told viewers he remembers Athur and Carys.

Well done Meinir on promoting the society! (see image below)